Thursday, January 3, 2013

Pro-Legalization Forces Makes Resolution for Oregon, California

Reuters reports that pro-pot legalization advocates plan to return to two states where they've been refused — Oregon and California.

The states were among the first to allow the medical use of marijuana, but recently rejected its recreational use. Bolstered by their successful initiatives in Washington and Colorado, pro-legalization groups plan on taking the fight back to California and Oregon.

Dale Gieringer, director of the California branch of the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws, said, "We know that the younger generation is more supportive and the opposition really comes from the older generation. And as time goes on there's more of the younger generation and less of the older generation. The second factor is we have these results in Colorado and Washington under our belt, so that sort of fertilizes the ground."

The strides medical and legalization groups made to advance marijuana is remarkable. Medical marijuana's moved from a fringe political issue to an issue that's rallying conservatives and progressives alike. In the same way, talking about legalization a few years ago would never have been taken seriously, but the turnout to support legalized weed in Washington and Colorado shows the public is ready for a real change in national drug policy.

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